Why Bill McDermott’s article on CNBC.com today is a historic moment?

On April 18th, 2015, across North America, over sixty events celebrated the first North American Meetings Industry Day.

Started in Canada over ten years ago, the purpose is to have our Industry more recognized across the country and our communities … so that people stop asking “But what is it that you do exactly?”

Our Industry provides more jobs than the automotive industry, contributes more than $280 billion in direct spending in the US alone and puts an additional $88 billion back into the economy through federal, state and local taxes (cf CIC).

Impressive you might think but how come I don’t know about it?

Well, that is precisely the issue: nobody knew, we were the invisible industry, and corporate CEO’s were reluctant to speak about meetings, conferences, events or incentive travels because of political correctness and the fear of negative impact on their organization’s image … but they kept organizing them!


Try to increase your sales, motivate your team, maintain the relationships with your customers or simply organize a Presidential Inauguration Ceremony without face-to-face meeting and you will see the results!

Bill McDermott, the CEO of SAP, published an important article on CNCBC.com on the importance of meetings.

He shared his personal experiences and how he used meetings and events to dramatically and positively impact the bottom line at Xerox or currently at SAP.

Serendipity has it that I’m currently reading his book “Winners Dream” in which he elaborates more on the examples mentioned here above.

It takes a leader to take the decisions he made about meetings and conferences in a very challenging economic environment. Reading all the great life and business stories he shared in his book, it doesn’t come as a surprise to me that he is also today, an amazing spokesperson for our Meetings & Events Industry!

Thank you Bill McDermott!

Please share his article (link above)! And if you want to be inspired about leadership, sales, human stories and motivation, read his book!

*Full disclosure: I have no personal interest in making this recommendation, and I happen not to know him!

Eric Rozenberg

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